Warm climates can provide great appeal to those seeking a comfortable outdoor living space. However, humidity can present challenges when it comes to protecting patio pavers, as excessive moisture and humidity can lead to issues like insect infestations, erosion, and/or mold or mildew. The Wake Forrest and Apex areas are well known for their humid summers, which is less than ideal for many patio owners. However, there are steps Covis Stone recommends to protect your patio today:

Choose the Right Pavers

One of the best ways to prevent humidity damage is to choose pavers that are specifically designed for such climates. Look for materials that are resistant to moisture, such as concrete or natural stone, as they are much less likely to absorb water and are more resistant to mold and mildew. However, it may help to also consider applying a mold and mildew inhibitor to prevent future growth. Contact a Covis expert for brand suggestions.

Ensure Proper Drainage

Proper drainage is crucial to prevent water from pooling on your patio and seeping into the pavers. Make sure your patio is sloped away from your home or any other structures to allow water to flow away naturally, using channels or French drains to redirect water away from the paver area.

Seal the Pavers

Applying a high-quality sealer to your patio pavers can also help protect them from moisture and humidity. Sealing creates a protective barrier that prevents water from penetrating the pavers, reducing the risk of stains, mold, and erosion. Carefully follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application and reapply the sealer as recommended to ensure long-lasting protection. All paver projects completed by Covis Stone are sealed for quality.

Regular Cleaning

Regularly cleaning your patio pavers to remove dirt, debris, and organic matter is also an important preventive measure for limiting mold growth. Periodically using a mild detergent, water and a scrub brush will help keep the surface clean. Be sure to avoid using harsh chemicals that can damage the pavers or the surrounding environment.

Control Vegetation

Trimming back nearby plants and trees can help your patio, too! Doing so prevents excessive shade which speeds up mold and mildew growth on the pavers. Overhanging branches that can also drop moisture onto the patio, again promoting mold and mildew growth. Regularly removing any weeds or moss that may emerge between the pavers is also a must, as it will prevent them from weakening the joints.

Maintain Proper Ventilation

Adequate air circulation is essential for reducing humidity levels around your patio. In addition to trimming back vegetation, consider installing outdoor fans to improve air circulation. Proper ventilation helps in drying out the pavers and reduces the chances of mold and mildew formation.

Repair and Maintain Your Pavers

Regularly inspect your patio pavers for any signs of damage, cracks, or loose joints, making sure to repair any issues promptly to prevent further damage. Keep the paver joints filled with sand or polymeric sand to maintain stability and prevent moisture penetration. Contact a Covis Stone expert today to help with repairs.

By following these measures, you can help protect your patio pavers from the damaging effects of humidity and ensure their longevity and beauty while enduring Raleigh’s summer climate.